This may come as a shock to hear, but opioids are incredibly bad. Whether they’re prescribed medically or bought on the street, opioid use has a litany of side effects. For example, sedation, nausea, dizziness, constipation and vomiting are all to be expected when you’re on opioids. Oh yeah, it’s also super easy to get addicted to them, and the more you use them, the more your tolerance builds, encouraging you to take larger and potentially deadly doses.

The ride doesn’t get easier once you try to kick the habit either. Withdrawal can literally kill you, and if it doesn’t, you’ll face uncontrollable tremors, anxiety, pounding headaches, nausea (again) — and, of course, spontaneous ejaculations.

Surprised? So were many Redditors when the idea was posted to r/todayilearned. That said, it’s not totally clear why this happens. Several articles have been written for scientific journals noting that this does sometimes happen, but the reasoning as to why seems to be more along the lines of “*shrug* IDK man opioids just mess everything up.”

However, in case you thought that opioid withdrawal is a hands-free orgasm-filled walk in the park, Redditors with opioid experience were quick to say that this is not the case. Dear god, this is absolutely not the case.

First, a few noted that people going through opioid withdrawal will ejaculate, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re having an orgasm. It could just mean that their dick is dripping loads as they writhe in pain on the floor — not the erotic fantasy you were imagining, huh?

Second, from personal stories, it sounds like there’s not much of this happening in the first place. “I’m telling you from experience there was nothing fucking fun about opioid withdrawal, and I did not cum not even once,” stated one Redditor. “As a retired heroin addict, the non-scientific reason is because we aren’t completely numb anymore so just walking can cause an erection. I know people who were 30 days out of rehab, was only kissing a chick and they busted a nut in their pants,” another explained.

So, if you’ve never had opioids, don’t start now. And if you’re currently an opioid user and interested in getting clean, don’t let the idea of the occasional waking wet dream discourage you from breaking the habit. A few ruined pairs of underwear is better than dying from street-pressed Percs.